Tuesday, November 13, 2007


We went to the mountain for a fun day trip. We were stir crazy and just needed to be away. Besides the longer then remembered drive, the trip was good. The mountain had a lot less snow then expected (now it's covered, we went on the wrong day)

On the way

But you couldn't have asked for a nicer day. Well you could have, but like you'd get it. It was nice and sunny most of the time, some wicked clouds hung around the top, but never blocking out the sun at the lodge.

Nap time 1

While I was busy trying to take a panoramic shot (still needs work) Chris discovered that the rocks made a warm bed for him.

Nap time 2

Of course, little miss copycat, has to do whatever daddy does. I wished she would have picked a rock a bit further out of the dirt...

Hold tight

Nothing's better then having a monkey in the family, and there were very cool trees to climb up there.

In shadow

Last shot of the day, mix of cool clouds and bare tress...just sort of ended it all nicely.


Lizzy said...

looks like a fun relaxing day. you guys always do a great job getting out and about in nature. the bear thing has me a bit nervous here.

i love love the pria picture and that last shot is stunning.

Angie said...

Just remember to run uphill...or was it downhill? Hmm, idk. But totally stay out of tress. I'm hoping to be able to travel there (with munchers of course) and go take pictures...my carbon fiber tripod can crack a coconut muahahah.

Yeah that's my favortie munchkin shot as of now....the other one, meh...not really my favorite. But glad you like it!