Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hot To Trot

Wish you were here.....

It was hot. It was sunny. We needed water. Enter thoughts of Washougal River, we got up too late for that one. Then Willson Pool, nope closed. As was every other pool. Then came the idea. Jameson Square. A very nifty park we found at the end of summer last year. A cool stepping rock wall that doubles as a fountain. And the brick area will fill up like a small pool every so often. It's very cool and very fun on a day like today.

After parking a few blocks away we walked in and holy massive amounts of people. The fountain was off and we found a spot on the top of the wall and waited. After a few minutes the water strated slow and easy. Pria squealed and ran around jumping in it. Splashing and chasing other kids. But the pool wouldn't fill up, hmrmm. After a few minutes the water poured faster and we set about having fun with the lack of the pool.

Chris was up first, cutting a bottle apart and soaking pria.
And thus the water tossing began...

chris 2

Back and forth they went, as I laughed and happily snapped pictures. Pria ran screaming as Chris sneaked after her, nailing her everytime in the face much to her delight. I sat on the dry bricks and continued to take pictures of them and everyone else. Until that is, I felt a jolt. A serius freaking rush of cold water down the back of my pants. Mommy jumped up screaming and grabbing the back of her now very wet shorts.

"Pria did you pour water on mommy?" Chris said and she ran off screaming.

"You're dead." I glared playfully at her and handed Chris the camera and took his bottle. Thus begin war number 2.

little miss 2

"Hey be easy." He said to me as I soaked her hard.

"Nuh-uh. She plays dirty why should I be nice?"

"You're bigger." And with that little miss dirty tricks, sneaks up while I'm engaged in the finer points of fair playing with Chris. Mommy was now very very wet. And the little miss was going to pay.


We ran and screamed for almost 2 hours. Never once did the pool fill up like it used too, but we all got some sun and soaked each other plenty. The camera made it out with only a few drops of water from over zealous water tossers that couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.

Underwater housing *hint hint*

And just to make the day perfect... I sit here editing pictures and he leans over to me.

"I poured the water down your pants, not Pria." He smirked happily.

Boy you are dead tomorrow.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hot dam!

In our drive out the gorge, we decided to head to the dam and let Pria experiance feeding really big fish. A couple bucks in quaters and she had her amusement for almost an hour. Walking bak and forth between two of the ponds there. Feeding the smaller sized brooke trout, then off to the whopper rainbows. We showed her the massive sturgeons, i'm still amazed those puppies get that big.

Feeding time

As always little miss played in the water, this time a fountian with a cool fish statue. And as always looks rather bothered by mommie and the camera...I'll just have to find her a good small one and she can do the same back to me :)

Little miss

She had fun, and so did we. It was a nice day to be in the gorge and I'm sure as teh weather continues to warm up we'll seek out the cooler temps up there.

Monday, May 7, 2007

2 crazy kids...

In July it will be our anniversary. 9 years and we haven't killed each other yet ;)

chris and angie

I loved our honeymoon...and hated this bridge...the smile is in complete fear.

On the bridge

This was the last dry picture of the day for us... I dove in the water for money. Honestly, 10 dollars canadian was at the bottom of the pool and I went in and got it. Still have the money too, it's a fun memory.

At the river

She needs her space.

Pria's a kid. No really, I'm not kidding. She's a kid that needs to play. Go figure...

Right out of the car, she sprints across the feild happily yelling "Catch me."

Wide open

Finally caught up to her and had her come back to the play area. She was very happy to be outside today.

Cause I'm cute

The little miss has had enough of mom and the camera. So she ran around the play ground trying to dodge pictures, finally settling on a more in my face approach to the problem. Notice her handful of barkdust, a few short seconds later it was thrown at me. You'd never know it with those cutie girl eyes

I'm coming for ya

Sunday, May 6, 2007

It's all about me

It's pictures of me! Before I got wise and hid behind my camera.

Prom, junior year

angie and prom

21st birthday dinner at MacGrath's.

21st birthday

Thursday, May 3, 2007

The little things

The new little one in the family...she's gonna dislike my camera soon

Baby syd

If she doesn't already

Nap time