Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hot dam!

In our drive out the gorge, we decided to head to the dam and let Pria experiance feeding really big fish. A couple bucks in quaters and she had her amusement for almost an hour. Walking bak and forth between two of the ponds there. Feeding the smaller sized brooke trout, then off to the whopper rainbows. We showed her the massive sturgeons, i'm still amazed those puppies get that big.

Feeding time

As always little miss played in the water, this time a fountian with a cool fish statue. And as always looks rather bothered by mommie and the camera...I'll just have to find her a good small one and she can do the same back to me :)

Little miss

She had fun, and so did we. It was a nice day to be in the gorge and I'm sure as teh weather continues to warm up we'll seek out the cooler temps up there.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Cool glasses, Pria!!!