Thursday, July 26, 2007

I suck at tag

I've been tagged, twice now...for two different things. But since one of them is for my other blog, I'll wait to get to that one. I'll get to yours soon Dana I hope...

My sister Liz has tagged me this time, about 7 things people don't know about me. I already sort of did something like it Here just on my own. But will do it again in the 7 form.

1. I've never voted and never will. I'm not sad at that one...

2. I had no idea Clinton got elected twice. I wasn't that observant at political things at that age I guess.

3. I really want a T-shirt that says "Asses for Basses Charity Nude Fishing Tournament", I like weird shirts...and I've never seen anyone else with one, so I'd be first!

4. First time I read a book, I read it constantly until I get to the end. Stopping is like having the cable go out in the midst of the season finale. So if I can't sit down and have it done in a few days, I wont read it. All or nothing.

5. I like scary movies, but they must have a point. Movies with gore just for the purpose of creeping me out as much as possible, I've got no reason to see. What you don't see is always far better then what you can...Give me Hitchcock any day.

6. I hate banks. I prefer to have my money at home, I save it that way. A throw back to my dad always getting me new banks to encourage me to save my money.

7. I believe fun is foreign.

Yay, now I can tag people back! Alright Christy Mom and Dana your turn now.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Motto' A motto'

It got rather hot here this summer. Sort of unexpectedly so. Happily we live by pools and parks with water. While we would like to go to the pool everyday, some time's it's just too crowded there and we need a chance of pace. Beaverton Park is good for that. They have fountains.


Takes a few minutes of encouragement to get Pria to go all the way into the fountains....Chris does his best to show her what she can enjoy with them.


She figures it out soon enough and then the fun begins. We take buckets with us, since it's no fun to throw water on the other kids playing unless it's a lot of water.

Geoffry the Giraffe would be proud....we are totally Toys"R"Us kids

Monday, July 23, 2007


Hooray, it's updating time. Yeah I sort of suck at doing these, it's a family site and pictures just work better for me then listing off life events I guess. But on we go...

Chris is waiting his soon-to-be transfer (hopefully soon) to the new fab. I believe it is the AFO? I never could figure out the names. It's still an Intel fab, just in Aloha. New boss, new co-workers, new start. He is excited about the vendor school, he will be sent away for training instead of on site. He's hoping for the Sweden one, but doesn't think he's lucky enough. I'm laughably betting on the Arizona one.

Pria has discovered creative story telling and with that, the art of well as punishment for lying. She is getting anxious for her birthday. She is thrilled at the prospect of growing up, and does it several times a day according to her.

Pria "I grew up today."
Angie "Really, how cool."
Pria "This morning I was 2, now I'm 6."
Angie "Wow, you did grow up a lot today."
Pria "Yeah."

She has also taken to shouting out every time she finds "her number 3", she does announce the other numbers as well, with a bit less gusto since it is not "her number" We are working on letters, she's got a few down pat. She's a big fan of having you tell her instead.

As for me, well I'm summed up in a simple sentence. I'm pregnant....and I flooded the kitchen.

Wild With Them

Pardon my absence from posting lately. Spent the weekend at my parents house and have some new pictures.

Pria 2

Welcome to the world of No-Pants baseball. Simple to achieve. Just have a child who wants to be outside, but refuses to do so in pants. At least she put shoes on right?

Papa 1

Pria was pitching either really well or....yeah let's give her a confidence boost and leave it at that. Papa showed great skill trying to connect with the evasive pitches.

Papa 2

He kept on trying even when he got a wee bit jammed up and got hit. Guess Pria plays to win, don't know where she got that side didn't last for long though. She announced she was done a few minutes later.


Nana took to the hose while the playing was at a stand still. Yard's lookin' awesome mom.

Pria 1

And it's the return of the No-Pants...wait that's not a baseball. Ok, No-Pants soccer now. Pria showed off her skills by doing several fakes and backwards kicks.

Papa and Pria

In close quarters Papa had her beat, those legs of hers still have some ground they need to make up before that becomes a really fair match.

It was sort of rainy/cloudy all weekend, but muggy as heck. Not the greatest combo...well for No-Pants sports it seems to be the perfect weather. Not much else though. Was nice to hang out for the weekend, Pria enjoyed the constant attention and varying playmates.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A little bit of water

----pardon the late post on this one, some how it didn't get sent out-----

Water is necessary. For many things. Most of all, for fun. Especially in the summer. Hooray for Shirey and Izzy having a little pool for the kids to play in on the Fourth.

I grabbed my camera, sat in the sun working on getting rid of my farmers tan and snapped some pictures of the fun.

Jumping in

When it comes to pools filled up with a hose, there's not better way then to just jump in. At least that's what I told Pria...

Luke 1

Luke was up first on the slide. It was a wild ride no doubt.

Pria 1

Along came little miss, in the borrowed undies swimsuit.

Good landing

Being the biggest one, she didn't "splash down" more of just landed on her feet.


Kai did his best to stand up at the end...

Kai 1

Don't think he minded falling down though.

Luke belly

A few encouraging words to Luke and he was the first to go backwards on his belly. Look at that form, pointed toes and hands...nice job Luke!

Luke belly end


Pria belly

Pria gave it a go...

Pria belly end

She hit the edge of the pool, being the tall girl she is. But she still had fun.

Belly ride

Then Kai gave going head first a try, was the only one too.

Belly ride end

It was a fun afternoon