Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Happy Internation Talk Like A Pirate Day! Yes, it's real! Even flickr added Arrr! as a language today. So to celebrate I give you the Pirate Movie Soundtrack and as a bonus...a video to dance along with.

The list of people that are annoyed by this movie is long, but I know at least one of my sisters will sing and dance to it :D


It's All About the "G" said...

loved it! christy says

Angie said...


Ellen on the go said...

Great!!!! ARRRRRRR

Lizzy said...

oh i wish i would have seent his post on my gorcery disaster day! i love this movie but am just realizing how hoaky is was...those dance moves make no sense at all!

the part of the movie when they get those fancy blue drinks reminds me of that time mom got the blue drink at Beaches "not knowing" it was alcohol!

Angie said...

Hahaha...well you should check my blogs more siily ;)

It's totally hoaky but I will never not like it. And now Pria has found a fondness to it as well. Her personal favorite is "I Am The Pirate King"

Oh that squeaky codpiece...hahaha!