Monday, July 23, 2007

Wild With Them

Pardon my absence from posting lately. Spent the weekend at my parents house and have some new pictures.

Pria 2

Welcome to the world of No-Pants baseball. Simple to achieve. Just have a child who wants to be outside, but refuses to do so in pants. At least she put shoes on right?

Papa 1

Pria was pitching either really well or....yeah let's give her a confidence boost and leave it at that. Papa showed great skill trying to connect with the evasive pitches.

Papa 2

He kept on trying even when he got a wee bit jammed up and got hit. Guess Pria plays to win, don't know where she got that side didn't last for long though. She announced she was done a few minutes later.


Nana took to the hose while the playing was at a stand still. Yard's lookin' awesome mom.

Pria 1

And it's the return of the No-Pants...wait that's not a baseball. Ok, No-Pants soccer now. Pria showed off her skills by doing several fakes and backwards kicks.

Papa and Pria

In close quarters Papa had her beat, those legs of hers still have some ground they need to make up before that becomes a really fair match.

It was sort of rainy/cloudy all weekend, but muggy as heck. Not the greatest combo...well for No-Pants sports it seems to be the perfect weather. Not much else though. Was nice to hang out for the weekend, Pria enjoyed the constant attention and varying playmates.


Lizzy said...

love the new photos! mom's grass must be on some illegal greening chemical. it's so green. maybe that's my desert mountain eyes though!

Angie said...

I love mom's grass...makes me feel like I can actually walk barefoot on it and not hit the dirt.