Thursday, July 26, 2007

I suck at tag

I've been tagged, twice now...for two different things. But since one of them is for my other blog, I'll wait to get to that one. I'll get to yours soon Dana I hope...

My sister Liz has tagged me this time, about 7 things people don't know about me. I already sort of did something like it Here just on my own. But will do it again in the 7 form.

1. I've never voted and never will. I'm not sad at that one...

2. I had no idea Clinton got elected twice. I wasn't that observant at political things at that age I guess.

3. I really want a T-shirt that says "Asses for Basses Charity Nude Fishing Tournament", I like weird shirts...and I've never seen anyone else with one, so I'd be first!

4. First time I read a book, I read it constantly until I get to the end. Stopping is like having the cable go out in the midst of the season finale. So if I can't sit down and have it done in a few days, I wont read it. All or nothing.

5. I like scary movies, but they must have a point. Movies with gore just for the purpose of creeping me out as much as possible, I've got no reason to see. What you don't see is always far better then what you can...Give me Hitchcock any day.

6. I hate banks. I prefer to have my money at home, I save it that way. A throw back to my dad always getting me new banks to encourage me to save my money.

7. I believe fun is foreign.

Yay, now I can tag people back! Alright Christy Mom and Dana your turn now.

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